Acepting the situation

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Not Trying In LIfe Is A No, No

It took me one sitting to read Carl Mathis' book LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT, and not just because it is an easy read. The main reason is because it was hard to stop.

The book uses Biblical principles to help us look at where we are in life, how we approach life and its challenges and exactly what do we expect of each day that we are given.

Carl also points out something that many of us have come to know in life either during our own experiences or those that we love: one of the main reasons why people don't try to do better is because they fear failure. What a crippling decision that is! How can you cheat yourself (and by extension others around you) of what could be just because you are afraid of what may or may not happen.

The author invites us to have faith not only in ourselves for something greater than ourselves. By doing this, we will not fear what we don't know. Instead we will embrace the unknown and make the most out of everyday.

LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT is one that you should add to your reading list. In fact, you should get two copies: One to loan to those who might benefit from its lessons, and the other to reflect on from time to time yourself.

For more from Carl go to

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