Acepting the situation

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"I was very impressed - Life is What You Make It"

I had the pleasure of reading Rev. Carl Mathis book titled. "Life is What You Make It" I was very impressed at his strong will and ability to pick up the pieces that had seem to have fallen apart after losing the love of his life. It gave me such a great respect for him as a man of God to read how he stepped in to his son's lives in order to put them back on track, although the struggle seemed a bit hard at times. But with God's strength and mercy his family are now focused on the most important thing in life, and that is Life IS what YOU make it! Thank you Mr. Mathis for sharing your experience with me and all other readers that have had the opportunity to read about your journey. May God continue to keep you and your family working toward His will and purpose for your lives. Be Blessed!

Evangelist Betty A. Carr.

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