Acepting the situation

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Now let’s face the truth, we all have some kind of insight and bright ideas. But out of the many number of inspirational moments we’ve had and already acted upon, how many of them have we pursued to the end and say we have completed our commitment? How many of them have we realized that ideas are just like seeds?

Locked within them is great potential. Yet, what good are seeds unless we plough, and fertilize the soil, and follow that by planting, watering, and looking after the seeds until they bloom into something fruitful?

Great ideas often lead to good starts and bright beginnings. But good starts are not good enough, for brilliant ideas are no better than poor ones, unless we follow through. Without a committed plan, it’s just and idea. It’s just like faith.

According to James, 2:14 “What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?”

You could have all the ideas and insight in the world, but if you don’t commit to acting out with a firm plan in action, you simple have a thought. We have many thoughts on a daily bases, but that’s the beginning stage. Make a commitment.

Motivation speaker/author Carl Mathis
Author of "life is what you make it - seven steps to moving forward

For more info go to

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