Acepting the situation

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Learn how to put your life back together

It’s not often that many find life after death. But through the loss of his wife, Carl Mathis found the inspiration and the dedication to not only raise three successful sons, but to turn his turmoil into triumph for himself and those around him. While waiting on someone to come to his rescue—of hurt, depression and pain—he realized that the only person who could rescue him… was himself.

Life Is What You Make It is a heart-wrenching story of one man’s journey to glue his life back together after it had been broken into a thousand pieces. At a time when Mathis could have made excuses for his struggles and shortcomings, he chose to use them as stepping stones to get back on the mountaintop. This book will bring your personal fears and failures to the forefront, make you accept responsibility, and condition your mind to make the right decisions moving forward. In this life, you define the norm! Let the next chapter of your life be one of purpose, prosperity and fulfillment. Your life is what you make it, so create your own definition!

“Life Is What You Make It teaches life lessons and would be
a great read for people of all ages who are seeking inspiration
and motivation. Carl speaks with a voice of experience.”
—Deena Marie Beresford,
Director of Library Service, Academic Institution

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