Acepting the situation

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do not let any unfortunate situation be your down fall for life.

For to lone, many have repeatedly asking themselves these question, how did I allow this situation to enter my secret circle of life? There was a time when I could recognize and deal with a situation before it occur, but this one sneaked in under my reader right before my very eyes, now I am faced with having to deal with this situation, however, there is a solution.

Something about life that sometime seams to confused the human mind about how it operates. We find ourselves sometimes doing things we know will lead into something not so good for our life. However, the interesting issue is that our brain in limited. Why?

Study shows that only part of your memory surface can be activated at any one time.

“This limited attention span is extremely important for it means that the activated area will be a single coherent area and that single coherent area will be found in the most easily activated part of the memory surface. The most easily activated area or pattern is the most familiar one, the one which has been encountered most often, the one which has left most trace on the memory surface. And because a familiar pattern tends to be used it becomes ever more familiar. In this way the mind builds up that stock of present patterns which are the basis of code communication.

Whatever you continually think about will control you activity.

So, let’s say, if life has dealt you an unexpected situation, what you need to do is accept the situation and use it to your advantage. In other words, you situation is design only to show you how strong you could be if you just accept what it is, is what it is and cheap away towards your process of moving forward..

Do not let the situation be your down fall for life. Not accepting it will create of un healthiness.

How do you do this click on the picture to your right or left.

"life is what you make it - seven steps to moving forward"

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